A little insight

I am an avid thinker. I try and make a difference in the lives of people around me. I make people laugh. My blogs might seem more on the serious side but don't let it fool you into thinking that I am a serious person. I am known more for my quick wit and ability to tickle ribs. I am also very passionate about parenting.
Anyway, as you read along, try and comment. It might just encourage me...

Sunday, May 23, 2010

I Know What I Did This Summer!

Neha and her friends at an Egyptian Resort

Woo hoo!!! Yet another long break!!! What prompted it on? Well, first it was the fact that I had not zeroed in on a school for my daughter. A lot of schools were done with their admission procedures. The school that I was aiming for were to start their admission process only in June and by then a lot of schools had already started their new session. Something just snapped in my head. I went totally bonkers. I could not believe that after carefully thinking this whole thing through, I had found myself in this situation. One of the popular schools around here started making me make a lot of trips there. I guess the guy was just waiting for me to get desperate enough and then he would have asked for money.

Then totally out of the blue this acquaintance calls me up for something and then casually mentions that she was struggling for her sons admissions. There was this new school that she was looking at, and wanted to just try checking with another school. I thwacked my head first (stupid that I was, because I had seen their pamphlet and not called them) and then called up that new school. Then before we knew it, we were happy with our choice and enrolled Neha right away!

Now that the school thing was out of the way, I thought that it was about time that I had Neha’s sleep patterns altered. She would refuse to sleep early and then get up just half hour before her school bus came. I was at my wits end. I told myself that I have just two months to do something about it, and the new academic year would mean longer hours. If she carried on the way she did, there would not be any time to eat breakfast. So, it was ass kicking time.

There were just too many things I had to get in order. All I knew was that : Neha had to sleep in her own bed, she had to sleep early, she had to get up early. Now came the execution of the near impossible. Those who personally know my daughter would understand my plight. She puts up a lot of resistance to discipline! So, I roped in my friends. I convinced them that they had to kick in an exercise regime for themselves. I then told them that this would be a nice way to get the kids up and about earlier. So I told them that I would take all the kids to the pool at 6 am, while they could walk. The pool was oh-so-empty at that time of the day and I would man these 4-6 kids in the pool. Then the rest was pretty easy. We were all charged for the day. We girls would all make breakfast, get even lunch out of the way (the husbands carry lunch to work), and the house would be all sorted out too. I had the other uphill task of cutting down Neha’s TV time. Vacations meant that she was spending a crazy amount of time in front of the idiot box. I would then coax Neha into playing or catching up on reading skills, etc. It being summer vacation and all, the kids deserved a few outings too.

In the middle of all this hullabaloo, the internet gave up. I was too pissed to call the phone guys up. It then dragged on for a bit. Then I once again had to change the wiring and stuff. I wanted wireless connectivity and there was a bit of trouble there too. I tell you, they have been testing my patience. The next time round, you can be sure that I will change the service provider.

So, my friends, it has been an eventful summer for me. What have you guys been up to?


My Kitchen Antics said...

Nice to hear from you after so long...
summer has jus made its way through just 2 days back and we already had a picnic in the park and a slightly washed out bbq...but nonetheless it feels great to have the sun around here:)
hope u manage 2 get neha into a routine by the time school starts:)

Reflections said...

Finally........I'll get some peace, Agnes's has been eating my head abt u....she made me explain again & again why u were not around;-/
And oh can u just pass on the msg tht I'm not able to access her page...not idea why, when I click on the link the page just hangs;-(

Reflections said...

I know most of wht u have written already & even then have to give it to u....the crown for 'the most persevering mother' is urs if I ever had the chance to nominate somebody;-D

A said...

You're back!!!! Welcome back!! Finally!!!!

You need to get wireless, period. And Nancy needs to get a decent connection too :-D

p/s: No offense, but all those kids in the photo are serious troublemakers -- I can totally tell that they are up to no good LOL :-D

Lakshmi said...

Was wondering what you were upto? ;) That was a clever way changing Neha's routine for school. We are upto lot of things this summer, which here is just starting. We are moving to Chennai in couple of months, so everything is haywire. We are trying to figure out S's school there. The fact that we are not yet sure where exactly we will be living, makes it even hard to decide.

Swaram said...

Welcome bk and I wil nt accept anything related to net probs next time :P

Even with the sweet Neha for that matter ;) ;)

Reflections said...

@ Agnes, my connection is a decent one, there's not another page I have a problem with, just YOURS;-|
Ask ur blogger friends, I'm sure they'll have the same story to share;-D

Ummmm....once again wonderful post Bins!!!!

Garima said...

Welcome back... i was wondering what's with the long hiatus?

Wow school admissions can be hard. I have friend moving back to India and is leaving earlier to get the admissions process done in India. From what I have been hearing, the fees is insane. Oh well... it is what it is.

THe kids look adorable and so charged up in the picture.

A said...

@Nancy: I thought Dubai had the best/fastest/shiniest internet connection in the world...?

No seriously, I have no idea what the problem is. You can always try subscribing via email and then the post is basically in your mailbox.

Do you use explorer? (explorer sucks -- just sayin'...)

colours said...

Welcome back finally! Was wondering where you were but too guilty since I have not posted anything either.

It is amazing the way you thought about changing Neha's routine! I am going to take a few lessons from this.

I have been busy wrapping up my life in Brussels (and still working until end of May), going to US and now finally on Tuesday I will have some space for myself...

♥Sugar♥Plum♥Fairy♥ said...

Ha ha, u have a sweet blog, i wrote a post about Summer and it sounds so similiar!!!

UmaS said...

Am glad you wrote finally. I was out of touch for nearly 20 days and I nearly went mad. LOL.

That pic is so sweet...where is this resort ??? New one ??? New friends for Neha ????

So, is Neha enjoying her new school ????

Gayatri Shenoy said...

Wonderful to read your posts after quite some time :) Feel so nice to read about lovely ladies balancing life, office, home, kids so efficiently. Way to go girl!!