A little insight

I am an avid thinker. I try and make a difference in the lives of people around me. I make people laugh. My blogs might seem more on the serious side but don't let it fool you into thinking that I am a serious person. I am known more for my quick wit and ability to tickle ribs. I am also very passionate about parenting.
Anyway, as you read along, try and comment. It might just encourage me...

Friday, February 5, 2010

Lock n Key

When we were getting this house done up, the carpenter asked what kind of locks we wanted on the cupboards in the bedrooms. I thought, ‘Why do we need locks on all the cupboards?’ This is our home, not some fortress. And then again, what do we have that needs to be kept under lock n key. “No. We have nothing to hide!”, I said And told him to forget locks on all cupboards and got him to fix locks only in our walk-in wardrobe area. Just in case we did want to keep something under lock n key. I was not being cheap here. I just thought there is no need to have a lock on a cupboard that is just going to house clothes. Stupid, stupid me!!!!

I did the same thing with the kitchen. Earlier the kitchen was a separate area with a door. But we thought it would be nice to have an open kitchen. So we broke the wall and removed the door. You cannot imagine how many times I have kicked myself for it.

What am I getting at here? That little imp called Neha is normally up to no good. Even in my sleep, I am conscious. Nothing, I tell you, nothing, escapes her eye.

I even have to guard silly things like band aids and ear buds. The other day Neha had this tiny hurt. It really wasn’t visible to the naked eye. I just pooh poohed it off. She turned for sympathy towards her father, who promptly had to show some sympathy. Neha insisted on a band aid and off they both went to get it. I heard this whole conversation and I realised with horror, what was about to happen. I screamed and ran. But before I could stop the man, they had accessed the one place Neha never knew about, and got the band aid. My husband looked at me like I lost my marbles. And Neha had a wicked grin. When I cut my finger yesterday, I had to borrow a band aid from my neighbor.

As Neha is growing up, I am realising the need for such hiding places. Now where am I supposed to hide band aids? My make-up stuff which comprises of one lip stick, one lip liner, one compact and one eye liner is constantly the target. I guard it with my life. I used to have several shades and hues, but I have given up. Well, I used to have one nail polish too. But I had to throw it out after repeated warnings, on not using it on her nails.

So also with the kitchen. She drives me crazy (and believe me when I tell you, crazy is a mild word) when I am cooking. How I miss that door to the kitchen! I can’t store any goodies at home. She will get to work the moment she senses an opportunity.

I keep an ear out, even when I am in the loo. You can’t imagine how sharp my ears are. I know exactly in what room she is and I would be shouting warnings from the loo. And to compliment my ears, she is quick and light on her feet. We have this cat and mouse game on the whole day! When I hit the sack, there is tremendous relief that the day has gone by and then the impending fear of what tomorrow will bring with it!

Neha and her cousin, Niharika.


Anonymous said...

First, such a lovely pic !!! Niharika is so cute !!! Lovely, lovely, lovely !!!!

Second, I totally understand ur plight !!! I've seen how much that little Neha troubles you. I actually smile reading the whole thing, but to go thru the whole situation - My God, Hugs to you, da !!!

Pack and send that little imp to me, for a few days !!!

Swaram said...

I just luv this sweetie-pie of ur Bins ... hw very creative she is ;) ;)
What a lovely pic that one .. awesome!

G S D said...

I used to do that all the time...with my first one. But then I realized a perfect way to stop her....told her if she got into my stuff...i'd get into hers. She didn't believe me at first and experimented with Savlon and earbuds. The next thing she knew...all her poster paints were finished and her other stuff she holds dear were all strewn in her room. She's never attempted to do it again and warns her sisters to let my stuff be. No more cat and mouse...only tigers!

Garima said...

Its a beutiful picture:
I can only imagine your anxiety... everything needs to be childproofed.. hidden but accessible and above all unreachable to Neha. Though i am far away from that.. here is something that was recommmended to my mom....(Or so i am told): We were told "X" cabinet is only for bigger girls.. i think 8+.. if they open it.. then they will remain the same age all their lives! And as a 5 year old.. i think there is nothing more you want to do than become bigger ;-) So I held off that main cabinet.

Meenakshi said...

heheehe.. cute. loved the situation.. I love naughty kids, Neha seems to be the brilliantly naughty sweet kid,I would have completely adored..

the pic is cute..

colours said...

Bins... she sounds lovely and the way you write about her is so lovely too - makes me feel like I am standing right there watching her.

WannabeWriter said...

Don't believe you!!! Just look at her! She looks such a 'good' little girl!!! hee hee hee...

Reflections said...

Since I know her too well I empathise with u. Seriously, u've got the patience of a Saint;-o

Preethi said...

he heee..... reminds me of my 5 yr old!... i hope you save all these posts for her to read when she's all grown up..... you're both going to laugh your sides off.. She looks lovely :)

Agnes said...

LOL Bins. I mean, I feel your pain, sister, but LOL, you're so funny.
She's adorable, by the way, and yes, I can see the mischief in her eyes even though she's not looking at the camera :-D

Lakshmi said...

;) I can totally relate. There is almost no place in our house where S cannot reach except the locked cabinet! And just last week A figured out that she can get water from our refrigerator, she is tall enough to reach it! Now I regret my decision of not buying one without a lock, after having puddles of water in the kitchen!

Lakshmi said...

That picture is beautiful, both the girls. Cousins are precious.

Chandrika Shubham said...

Awesome pic! The baby is so cute. :)

Anonymous said...

thotflow.blogspot.com; You saved my day again.