A little insight

I am an avid thinker. I try and make a difference in the lives of people around me. I make people laugh. My blogs might seem more on the serious side but don't let it fool you into thinking that I am a serious person. I am known more for my quick wit and ability to tickle ribs. I am also very passionate about parenting.
Anyway, as you read along, try and comment. It might just encourage me...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Heroes then, now what?

While it is a good thing to never to forget our past, our roots etc., I often find that we often walk forward carrying the burdens of the past. So most likely, we take two steps forward and three steps back. It really slows us down. I am no management whiz or ‘thinker’ but I don’t need to be, to realise that we are moving forward, yes, but at snail’s pace.

In India, as we work our way towards Independence Day, Republic Day etc., we have the newspapers looking into the past at how it has been during the pre-Independence times, the Republic days that followed etc. The newspapers will be full of the heroes of yesteryears. The other day, it carried news of such heroes. Ordinary people who went out of their way and did extraordinary things. They did what came to them in an instant and were soon catapulted to fame, awards and other rewards that came with the territory. As I read through the articles that spoke of the bravery of those children and how they stood up and took matters into their hands and went on to save lives (without giving a moments regard to their own safety), I was amazed. It truly is no small feat. God bless those little souls for what they did.

The article in Times of India said, “Every Republic Day, the nation honours some of its bravest children with medals and cash rewards. Paraded as role models, what becomes of them when the show is over?”

Those words, caught my attention. I hope I do not sound hard-hearted when I say this, “But what should happen to them?” They were given cash awards, certificates, medals and a chance to meet the Prime ministers and Presidents of their times. To me, that is not a small achievement either.

Why can we just not enjoy that experience and leave it at that? Does everything that follows later in life have to be in the shadow of that one brave act? Can we not move on normally after wards? Should everyone bow and lay flower petals under our feet as we walk forward? What is the expectation? Is it the press who over-hypes their achievements and get them to believe that from that moment on, only good things will happen? Who is responsible for leading those people to dream such grandiose dreams? The Press, their family? Who? They are made to believe that the rest of their living days can be spent in luxury, scholarships and out-of-turn promotions. A lazy life to be led in the glory of one achievement! And when things don’t happen as the have dreamed of, they go on to become pessimists. Bitter people who believe that no matter what, there is no good in this world.


Agnes said...

Good points, girl.

I quite agree, actually. We need to be going forward and not backwards. I guess it's all right to stop every once in a while and have a look at how long we've come, but then we need to keep going.

Reflections said...

I get what u mean.....but I wdnt go as far as to agree with u completely. Instead of cash prizes I wish they'd put up a trust or something which wd make sure these children get a chance to complete their education. After all they did put their lives in danger and acted courageously.

Remember the kids who acted in Slumdog Millionaire...now there I wd say ur views wd make full sense, just because they acted in his movie doesnt mean tht Danny Boyle has to take care of them for life and then get blamed for all their sins;-/

And the Media is carrying it too far....the real meaning of journalism is lost somewhere in the crowd, for them its more sensationalism & trps. A pity really coz they r a medium who can really make a difference if they put their pens and camera's to it.

Swaram said...

I think u do hv a point there .. a point which many of us wud nt hv seen! I totally agree that one such achievement should not command all that they want in life! The awards should only encourage them to continue to be good and do good!

Sraboney said...

I agree with you...The govt. cannot look after them for the rest of their lives - they have to stand on their own feet, so why look backwards?

Anonymous said...

Agree with u.

Similar thing happened after the Slumdog movie. Those children who acted in the movie, were paid for their performance. What else shld the director / producer shld do ??? The media hyped up a big story stating that the children are not millionaires anymore and how they are slogging. Then finally the Govt had to allot some flats for them. I am telling what the Govt did is wrong. But the media hype was unnecessary.

G S D said...

Very poignant observations. The sad thing is that every one of us is a product of what we did (that one good or bad thing we did in the past), and many of us carry on the rest of our lives based on that one incident.

Someone wise once said: start each day as if a new life, and you'll live to the fullest.

Vinay Sharma said...

couldn't agree more .. astute observations !!

Solilo said...

I fully concur with Nance's comment. Too lazy to type mine, Bins. :D

colours said...

I agree with Nancy too :)

I do wonder about the Media though.

Actually media's question of what happens to the role models after the Republic day should be addressed to themselves.

As media - should they not be giving the answers instead of asking the questions?

Preethi said...

I beg to differ..... For the media, 'Bad news is good news'. Always. That's how one is taught in a Journalism class. And when there is a poignant story like the one you've mentioned, i suppose, it is a chance for the media to once report something extraordinary and feel good about it. Secondly, it is a celebration of human spirit. A lesson as to 'what could be!' I think it's a good thing. The honours and the accolades are for that spirit and they have no role to play in what the future might be. It dares the one who received it to do better and the ones cheering to emulate.