A little insight

I am an avid thinker. I try and make a difference in the lives of people around me. I make people laugh. My blogs might seem more on the serious side but don't let it fool you into thinking that I am a serious person. I am known more for my quick wit and ability to tickle ribs. I am also very passionate about parenting.
Anyway, as you read along, try and comment. It might just encourage me...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Are we taking about the fairer sex??

I read this tag on Uma's page and it did not take me me more than a few minutes to attempt it. Yup, this tag was right up my alleyway. Though I was not tagged, I just could not resist listing at least ten things you have ever wanted or done which your gender is not supposed to.

  1. At every store that has tools and tool kits, I am always checking if there is anything new that I can add to my collection.

  1. My ultimate fascination with having my own house with a garage is to be able to saw wood and make furniture.

  1. When my friends ask me what I want from the US, the unflinching reply always, is, a state-of-the art drill kit!!!!

  1. I always hold lifts open for other people, even if they are men. It just happens very naturally.

  1. If the fan, light etc at home conks off, I am the one who runs to the supply store and fix them if they are doable. I am always at hardware stores buying wires, adapters and such stuff. Otherwise, I stand around and instruct the handyman.

  1. It is but natural in India, for anybody who comes home to install any equipment, to address the man of the house. If the guy has started off in my absence, I make him run me through the entire stuff just so I can troubleshoot. My husband is the last person who would be around when the equipment fails and is more often than not, the person who screws it up.

  1. When I was working for a company overseeing its administrative and facilities management, if any equipment runs into trouble, I would be called to see what the fuss is about despite the fact that 99.99% of the employees were men.

  1. When there is any ass to be kicked, and if the people wanting to kick ass knows me, they will rope me in to make it more effective. I always had to manage a lot of male subordinates at work, and getting them to do stuff is no mean task, and, believe me when I tell you, I can kick some mean ass!

  1. My husband has never changed gas cylinders at home. I have to physically move and change it myself. I have lifted heavy boxes, fixed curtains, moved furniture, and set up an entire house in a day. My husband has left me with a house full of boxes only to return home to a fully set up home, with a warm meal, mind you!!!

  1. There are too many things that I am doing now that does not leave me time to: learn to ride a motorbike, paint my own house, learn to use a drill kit, etc. I can sew, cook, clean and do all other such work that is supposedly feminine, but if given an option, I’d rather do work that gets my hands greasy.

  1. If I could another point, it would be to be able to stand and pee!!! Ha ha ha!!!

I am not tagging anyone in particular but if anyone does feel like taking it up, please do so and drop me a comment so I can go read it.

Guys, please be patient with me. I have not left blogging altogether, I am just trying real hard to keep up. I will get back to regular blogging just as soon as I get my schedule in order.


A said...

Can you move in with us? Please? You can change all the light bulbs, make furniture, paint walls and drill holes all you want...

UmaS said...

ROFL @ #11 !!! My God !! How did u even think of that !!! I am going to fall off the chair...laughing so much !!!!

I do know abt the fixing things trait in you - thats what brought both of us together !!! Hugs !!! :)

You want to saw and make furniture - WOW, Call me when u get to it !!!

Kick ass ???? LOL !! Oh, God, is this a woman or a man, I have as frnd ???? But seriously, ppl like you are a great asset, for the bholi bhali ladki frnds !!!

Loved the sinner list, totally !! You are the best sinner, my best buddy and Love you !!! :)

BTW, this theme is fab - so apt for the climate !!! Really cool !!! :)

Nupur said...

hhaah the 11th point cracked me ;)

Lot of things you do Butterfly :) wow :) some of them I haven't done yet :|

Swaram said...

is more often than not, the person who screws it up - ha ha ha ;)

Njoyed reading this one :D

My Kitchen Antics said...

i too want to paint my own house and do all that and actually will have to end up doing so in a place like UK where labour is so bloody expensive. If we ever have a place of our own we will have 2 tend to all this by ourselves..right now we jus call the estate agent when something conks or screws up and will be sued if we take it up on our own:)
hope works going on well!

Reflections said...

ROFL that was hilarious Bins......laughed so much and am literally wiping tears off my eyes;-D.

Tht last point was the killer...hahahahaha;-D

U knw I'm compiling my own list and about to tag with it.

colours said...

Cool! Can you come to Germany please!!!! You would be just a great asset to do all that you mentioned including sew...