A little insight

I am an avid thinker. I try and make a difference in the lives of people around me. I make people laugh. My blogs might seem more on the serious side but don't let it fool you into thinking that I am a serious person. I am known more for my quick wit and ability to tickle ribs. I am also very passionate about parenting.
Anyway, as you read along, try and comment. It might just encourage me...

Sunday, May 24, 2009

'Tag'ging Motherhood

I think Reflections was testing me this one last time to see if I take up this tag, before completely giving up on me. I just had to give in, but it was an interesting tag too. So here goes my favorite takes on motherhood:
  1. Growing up, I understood that every gift that God gives us or any thing else that happens to us, has a very profound place in our life. I no longer wonder why all my senses are so acutely sharp. My five-year- old validates it and tests it on a daily basis.
  2. Now whenever I want to go out, after having a tiring day at home, all I need to do is tell my daughter. She makes sure that her father drops everything and takes us out.
  3. Now that I have stopped growing vertically, I feel guilt at piling on the pounds. When I see some sinful gastronomic delight calling out to me, I order it for my daughter. I sit across the table and will for her to leave a bite for me. She shares gracefully and all that, but I just shake my head and tell her to go ahead and enjoy herself. Then after she’s done, I get to the business of finishing up all the while telling her that we should not waste food!
  4. When my daughter asks me a question and I answer it, she exclaims: “Mamma, how do you know everything?” I levitate just a bit off the floor. I wish everybody thought that way about me. So what if she is just five. She is smart enough to figure out who is the smartest of us all! And the best part is when my husband contradicts what I say. My daughter will immediately say: “ Pappa, what mamma says is right. She knows everything. She says all the right stuff.”I look at my husband with the air of brilliance and he has no go but to shut up and accept his fate!
  5. The most super thing about motherhood is that I now have a constant reminder to be the better person, the bigger person in all my interactions. I may lash out (there are times that I just want to kick ass, PMS maybe) when my daughter is not around, but in her presence, I have to show the right (maybe not willingly right) attitude. Yes, I do slip(human, after all). But I tell her later that I did the wrong thing and tell her what would have been the right thing to do.

Being a mom is the best thing ever. When I look into my daughter’s face, I see love. The immense joy she brings to my life is amazing! And then not to forget the many women who think that having a girl-child is a curse. A friend of mine has been blogging about the crazy life she leads because her mother-in-law leaves no stone unturned to make her and her daughters feel like crap. If I did not know this blogger personally, there was no way I would believe it. To me, she is as honest and nice as they come. You can read it here : www.themilchronicles.blogspot.com

I tag: Purple pain, Wannabe writer and Solilo


Reflections said...

that was FASTTTTT!!!!!!

Heeee....ur 3rd point describes my 1st point;-D

Finally it was this sentence which touched me....
"When I look into my daughter’s face, I see love. The immense joy she brings to my life is amazing!"

Yes finally it is as simple as that:-))!!!!!!!!!

Swaram said...

Wow! That was quic; Just read ur comment at Nancy's n here I see the tag all done. U have one pending from my side too :P

UmaS said...

Hey Dear ! You are always right ! And of course, you know everything ! Its the total trust that Neha has on you, that she gives you such accolades.

As you rightly said, it is a great task to practise what we preach them.

Kelvy said...

lol...waiting for her to leave some of that yummy delight for u..heheh
aww good to know that u enjoy ur motherhood so much :)

Swati said...

lovely ...i just did a post about being responsible all the time after being parent and here I read that again !

Jane said...

I think topics on motherhood brings out the best creativity in writers - and what greater muse does one need than your own children :O)

Agnes said...

I love this, Bins.
And Neha is adorable!

Solilo said...

I just came from Nancy's all laughing.

Absolutely loved your No:4 and Ha..ha..ha.. No: 3.

I already did the tag, Bins. http://mesoliloquy.wordpress.com/2009/04/26/steel-magnolias/