A little insight

I am an avid thinker. I try and make a difference in the lives of people around me. I make people laugh. My blogs might seem more on the serious side but don't let it fool you into thinking that I am a serious person. I am known more for my quick wit and ability to tickle ribs. I am also very passionate about parenting.
Anyway, as you read along, try and comment. It might just encourage me...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Random TAG

Nancy tagged me. I knew it was coming and I have not responded to a few of her earlier tags. So this one is for you, Nancy. But I cannot comply with the rules, because I do not know 25 people who blog. And amongst all of you, you have covered the few I know. So I will tag just one person. But I will do so in the future, the moment I have a few people that you guys do not know. I must say that I prefer tags to chain mails. Oh, I do hate them. These days I refuse to even open them.

I tag Ums

The rules:

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.

  1. I am wary of any object being placed close to my face. This is what happens when you have eyes the size of saucers.
  2. In addition to the above, when I am riding my scooter, if there is any flying twig/leaf or insect, you can be sure that it will find itself in my eye. I am sure that there is a Murphy’s Law on this.
  3. After having a child, I often myself cleaning the table at the restaurant after a meal. This happens quite unconsciously. Yes, people with me and restaurant staff look at me strangely. At least this way, if I do not tip them, they might not feel so badly.
  4. I have very bad fridge habits. I load it up silly.
  5. I cannot get myself to keep my toothbrush in the toilet after reading some strange facts about flushing the WC. Yes, my toothbrush is on the fridge.
  6. I often find myself buying groceries that I already have because I cannot maintain or prepare a grocery list. There are a pair of hands in my house that will invariably find it.
  7. If there is an item for 50 bucks, you can be sure that I will pick it up for 100. My forehead must flash the “sucker” sign when I walk in to a shop. I cannot bargain for nuts.
  8. I just can’t stand poetry, especially when I am asked to analyze it. Looking back, I would say that I did a pretty decent job with it, but I still hate it. I always hated the twisty turny way in which the poet would say his bit. Yeah yeah I know that’s what poetry is all about but I am a say-it-like-it-is kinda girl. I used to want to tell the poet - Stop dilly dallying, Say it like it is!
  9. My friends call me psychopath because of my freaky obsession with cleanliness. I can handle a bit of dust and disorderliness, but it is general filth and lack of personal hygiene that makes me want to run. I must admit that if I visit a dirty house, I fantasize later about cleaning up their house personally.
  10. They say the sign of a clean desk, is a cluttered drawer. That is so totally me! I just cannot maintain cupboards.
  11. When I am cooking, I wash my hands so much that it annoys me too. I can imagine the person watching me. In no time, my kitchen cloth is soaked. But I just can’t help it.
  12. When my daughter was a baby, I definitely gave her about 7-8 proper baths a day bedsides all the wiping after meals etc. Though my neighbors thought I was nuts, they loved the fact that they could drop in unannounced any time of the day and find Neha clean enough for cuddling!
  13. People trust me implicitly with their kids. If I do pick up friends kids from school/bus, I even bathe them. Truth - The cleanliness freak in me kicks into action. I cannot bear the thought of dirty legs on my furniture. Though I discipline all kids like crazy, they rarely want to go back home.
  14. I am a through and through shopaholic. I am ready to shop anytime with anybody. The smell of new clothes gives me a very heady feeling. My spirits immediately soar when I am in the mall. Once when I was depressed, I bought 3 blue nail polishes.
  15. I am the bleeding heart kind. I will push aside any amount of important work to help somebody out. Most days, I will be running around like crazy helping out people and managing to complete my tasks for the day. I must confess that I expect nothing in return. In fact, I feel bad asking people for help.
  16. When I was a kid, I would visualize aliens coming and landing their space ship on my roof and whisking me away. They would often say that they came all the way just for me.
  17. With my analytical skills eye for detail and decently sharp senses, I always thought that I would be good at Forensic Science. Yes, that is the dream job for me.
  18. When in rough times, I have often thought that it would be wonderful to win a lottery. But I always forget the first rule in winning a lottery - BUY THE TICKET!
  19. I cannot jump into the kitchen first thing in the morning. I can cook for a hundred people for lunch and dinner, but breakfast freaks me out. I tire myself out just thinking about getting up and making breakfast.
  20. I carry my own bed sheets whenever I suspect there is going to be a stay-over. The thought of sleeping on an unclean bed sheet is nightmarish. Let me tell you that there are a lot of people who don’t change the bed linen when guests come to stay. I don’t go overboard to explain myself. Incase I am asked, I say that it is because I do not want to spoil their beautiful bedspread! Ha Ha!
  21. I am good at baking now. But once I baked a Marble cake. And it could have put any marble to shame. It put me off baking for a long time.
  22. I used to love kicking butt in the office. When my husband and I used to work together, he would sweat when somebody would put their foot in their mouth by saying something stupid and when he would notice the evil glint in my eyes. Before getting into a meeting, he would implore me not to say anything.
  23. When Neha was born, my MIL asked me to preserve the umbilical cord stump. I was horror-stricken. When asked for an explanation, she said that she would dry it in the sun, put it in a black sac and tie it around my kid’s waist or neck some place till the next kid was born. I was not so sure that I wanted another kid. The whole idea was kind of repulsive to me, so I watched that stump like a hawk. When it did fall, I got rid of it and pretended like I just did not realise it had fallen.
  24. When I joined college in Bangalore, my mother used to give me 10 bucks. Some days, I was expected to have lunch with that money too. My bus fare itself used to work out to 7 bucks. I was so pissed. When my friend suggested that I make a bus pass, I jumped at the idea. All three years I would just accept that 10 bucks without a protest and lived life king-size!
  25. I shoplifted from a card shop when I was in college. I had a younger girl with me who thought that it was cool. I feel guilty to this day. Even now when I window shop, I feel guilty when the shop’s sales people hover around near me.


Reflections said...

LOL at eyes the size of saucers:-D

"When I am cooking, I wash my hands so much that it annoys me too."
Gosh I'm the same.

Sheesh u sound almost freaky abt this cleanliness tho I know abt some of it from b4;-P.

LOl abt ur grocery list....same here but now I make Nikita write it & keep it safe. works out well for both of us:-D

Anonymous said...

I am the same on cleanliness. Wahsing hands several times. Wiping everything tons of times. I pay my cleaning lady for just showing up :)) because most times my home is all done.

I was laughing @
"If there is an item for 50 bucks, you can be sure that I will pick it up for 100. My forehead must flash the “sucker” sign when I walk in to a shop. I cannot bargain for nuts."

UmaS said...

I see u everyday babysitting some kid or other, but I've never seen Neha left under somebody's supervision - U R A SUPER MOM !
Also, I've seen so many times how ur heart bled for some total stranger too. I find it difficult to visualise becos I can be considerate only to people I know. Why, I even know how you've fed neighbour's fishes, watered their plants - when they are not in town. God bless your good heart.

WannabeWriter said...

:))) me and bargaining is the same too... and mine is one of those houses you are gonna fantasize about!!! :o And cupboards are way beyond my comprehension!!!

Prashant Sree said...

Nice ones.. I must say that the admissions were quite candid. I appreciate your obsession with the cleanliness aspect.. Hats off !! :)

Reflections said...

I often find myself buying groceries that I already have...

Even me:-S......and my maid benefits

Anonymous said...

Wow -- they have toothbrushes with protective plastic caps for that very reason (wink).

You sound like a fun person :-)

Butterfly said...

Agnes: Thanx for visiting. And thanx for the compliment.

U see, i can take the the condition OCD to another level altogether. Capping a wet toothbrush makes it stink after a while. So I am not heading that way. :D

Anonymous said...

@ Bins: LOL you're too funny