A little insight

I am an avid thinker. I try and make a difference in the lives of people around me. I make people laugh. My blogs might seem more on the serious side but don't let it fool you into thinking that I am a serious person. I am known more for my quick wit and ability to tickle ribs. I am also very passionate about parenting.
Anyway, as you read along, try and comment. It might just encourage me...

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Positive Thinking

“When you want something with all your heart, the whole universe conspires to give it to you.”

I chanced upon this statement on Oprah Winfrey the first time and I was intrigued by the very power those words held. I was rooted to my chair for a long time trying to take in the essence of those words. It felt really good. So positive. I did not dwell on it for too long.

The next time I heard those words was in the movie ‘Om Shanti Om’. When Shah Rukh Khan (Sigh!!!) with those amazing deep soulful eyes and dimpled smile delivered those very same words, my heart skipped a beat. Not just because of SRK but again at the very power of those words. I must say that I have not heard something as powerful in a very long, long time.

It really gets you thinking as it seeps into your mind. I went into deep-thinking mode. What is that I really want? I really want a job. That does not keep me away from my daughter. Not for too long at least. And I want a great pay for that job. And a good boss. And good colleagues. Not really impossible. Might have to tone down my expectations on the pay bit though! Yes that is what I really, really want. And mind you, I also want to make a difference in the world with that job. Now I am getting tough.

Well let me try and sum it up a bit differently, I want some financial stability. Currently with only my husband working, we are doing fine, but we could do better. There is not a lot of savings though. But so early in our married life, I think we are doing quite OK. But things could really be better. We could breathe a little easier if there were some savings. The only way to achieve that is, if I were to get back to work. I can’t possibly win the lottery. For that I’d have to buy a lottery ticket. I have never been ‘lucky’. I have had to work real hard for all that I wanted. Of course I wish I could be lucky for a change and have everything I want served to me on a platter. Nah, not the money. The job that I want.

Anyway, I am letting the power of positive thinking wash me over. I know things will change. If not, I know I will.


Reflections said...

yes even i thought the sentence is so postive, ur mind opens up to a lot of possibilities.

very good blog bindu. didnt skip even a single sentence :-p. the last 2 sentences were excellent.

Unknown said...

Hey this was a good blog..i liked it...the catch with that sentence is (other than SRK) we have to wish,then really slog our asses and then wish again that what we wished and worked for will happen!

HM said...

Interesting post. I am believer in something I learned from a story back in my school days. Guess the story was about Napoleon, the moral of the story was "Nothing is impossible". You have the positive thinking that is necessary to guide your path. It will open, eventually! Good Luck.