A little insight

I am an avid thinker. I try and make a difference in the lives of people around me. I make people laugh. My blogs might seem more on the serious side but don't let it fool you into thinking that I am a serious person. I am known more for my quick wit and ability to tickle ribs. I am also very passionate about parenting.
Anyway, as you read along, try and comment. It might just encourage me...

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Baby steps

Lots been happening lately. I have this whole thing about taking on too much. And then there are times when u can practically hear the clock ticking away and there is not a thing to do or rather – u don’t want to do!
Suddenly, I have this whole barrage of thoughts/ bright ideas etc and not a pen or paper in sight. This most often than not happens when I am in the loo. I am sure a lot of people will agree with me on this.
I have been practically chasing lady luck... U'd just think that at some point, she's gonna tire out! Not on my route, she isn't!!!
One day, I suddenly come up with this brilliant idea and before i cud gather my thoughts - amongst all the daily routine jobs that u just have to do - somebody has already patented and cashed in on that very same idea! Tough luck.
3 decades later, I am yet to accept the fact that bleeding hearts are squeezed of every drop of blood. Shining example? Moi! I go lock, stock & barrel into things I should steer clear of, considering that I have a lot on my plate. But I just can't stop myself going that extra mile. I have learnt that there are a lot of meanies out there. Just on the lookout for suckers like me.
Just pouring out my heart here, considering that this my first blog... the thoughts will get clearer & more defined. I hope.

1 comment:

Reflections said...

Finally....finally u took this extreme step.....of penning down ur thoughts. ur best idea yet. Way to go babe. Welcome to the land of Blogs.